My Son Getting to Know His Campus - UNC
My kid made it to and back from orientation at UNC Chapel Hill without any problems. He enjoyed the visit to campus and got signed up for his classes. He got everything he wanted except for Spanish (which he may be able to pick up next month).
He also picked up his laptop computer. They want all the kids to have the same one and service there on campus, but kids can bring their own (but can't get help on campus if they do that).
The other thing they do at orientation is get a One Card. That's through Wachovia bank (with no fees) and is basically a debit card from what I can tell.
I had planned to drive my kid up to UNC but not to stay. Back when I went to NC State, no one (but no one) had parents at orientation. Apparently most parents do go with kids to college orientation now (in case any parents are wondering about that). It really wasn't an option though, because I had jury duty the day he left for orientation.
The kid-o is home safe and sound. He got iTunes loaded on that new laptop and also set it up with fingerprint identification. Pretty fancy - that.
I did mention that it would be a problem to have the computer locked with fingerprint ID if he ever got in an accident (can we all say - mother hen). The kid says, "Just bring it to the hospital and stick my finger on it." I asked him which finger, and he said I could just try them all (-:
I think this "going off to college" thing is harder on parents than kids.
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