I had been on the fence as far as the presidential election 2008. I've never been a straight ticket voter. I try to read up and select the best person. And I do mean "person." I don't care about race or gender. I want a good president - period.
In considering the two choices (Obama and McCain), I was a bit up in the air. I liked waht Obama was saying, but I did feel that he was a little inexperienced to take the top seat. I appreciated McCain's servive to the country and that he had been a POW. McCain's views are pretty conservative, and I'm thinking he may continue a War I never supported. With boys ages 15 and 18, that's worrisome.
When McCain announced yesterday his pick of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska I knew that I would not be voting for him. It's not that I have a thing against Palin (although find her very rigid in her stances after reading up). Never heard of her before. Who has? She's just not done her time and is not prepared to be second in command. Also, I think McCain picked her ONLY because she is female and young. That I do not appreciate. He kisses her cheek on stage, but I read reports that he's only seen her once in person before picking her to be his sidekick. How odd is that - the cheek kiss and the blind date approach? Does McCain think all women are morons?
This race has been different. We have seen the African American community and females represented in the race - but I don't think either group likes tokenism. I know I don't. Obama could have used a few more years on him, but he's OK. Palin really has no business being in the race to run the country. She is an impressive woman - just not ready to be the VP. That's not her fault. McCain is the one who made a bad decision. Palin would have been nuts to pass up the chance - maybe. Running for VP may be more than she bargained for. It's more than I bargained for ( her running). I'm not putting my money or vote on someone who does not have a track record and who could move from the VP to top spot in a heartbeat (or lack of one).