Saturday, August 30, 2008
I am Woman - Hear Me Roar - Bad Move McCain
I had been on the fence as far as the presidential election 2008. I've never been a straight ticket voter. I try to read up and select the best person. And I do mean "person." I don't care about race or gender. I want a good president - period.
In considering the two choices (Obama and McCain), I was a bit up in the air. I liked waht Obama was saying, but I did feel that he was a little inexperienced to take the top seat. I appreciated McCain's servive to the country and that he had been a POW. McCain's views are pretty conservative, and I'm thinking he may continue a War I never supported. With boys ages 15 and 18, that's worrisome.
When McCain announced yesterday his pick of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska I knew that I would not be voting for him. It's not that I have a thing against Palin (although find her very rigid in her stances after reading up). Never heard of her before. Who has? She's just not done her time and is not prepared to be second in command. Also, I think McCain picked her ONLY because she is female and young. That I do not appreciate. He kisses her cheek on stage, but I read reports that he's only seen her once in person before picking her to be his sidekick. How odd is that - the cheek kiss and the blind date approach? Does McCain think all women are morons?
This race has been different. We have seen the African American community and females represented in the race - but I don't think either group likes tokenism. I know I don't. Obama could have used a few more years on him, but he's OK. Palin really has no business being in the race to run the country. She is an impressive woman - just not ready to be the VP. That's not her fault. McCain is the one who made a bad decision. Palin would have been nuts to pass up the chance - maybe. Running for VP may be more than she bargained for. It's more than I bargained for ( her running). I'm not putting my money or vote on someone who does not have a track record and who could move from the VP to top spot in a heartbeat (or lack of one).
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Took My Kid to College - Happy But Hard Day
My Son in His Dorm Room at UNC Chapel Hill
I've heard parents talk about waiting for the day they get their kid or kids out of the house. Maybe they were just joking around. I know I've never thought about or said I wanted my kids to move out. I knew they would eventually, but I was sure not counting the days.
Yesterday I did take my oldest up to college - UNC Chapel Hill.
He worked really hard through high school to get in, and I was sure proud of him. His grades were high, he earned Eagle Scout, swam on the swim team and worked at the YMCA.
He had the early check in, so we got Bojangles biscuits on the way. He really loves those biscuits, and I haven't seen a Bojangles close to UNC. He may find one, but freshmen can't have cars.
We picked up his dorm key and unloaded all his stuff. It didn't seem like he took a lot, but the Xterra was packed to the top. It took around an hour to get everything in and put away.
I discovered that guys pack funny. He must have had 50 pairs of socks and only one change of underwear. Scratching head. I'll be mailing more underwear tomorrow and also hangers.
We ate at Top of the Hill for lunch. That's on Franklin Street and on the top floor where you can see the town. I wanted to take him somewhere nice while I was there. He has a meal plan and some flex dollars to eat on campus. He's used to home cooking, but I'm sure he'll be fine.
I went around with the kid to make sure he was signed up for the meal plan and had some money on his One Card. We also picked up his textbooks. College textbooks are sure expensive, but I guess everyone knows that.
I wanted to meet his roommate who had a later check in, but there's not much parking at UNC and especially on move in day. So I guess I will meet him later. My kid did email and say his roommate and his family were really nice. That was good to hear.
On the way home, I stopped at Trader Joe's. We don't have one around here, so that was a treat and something to take my mind off leaving my kid at college. I got treats for my younger son and for my Mom who were waiting to hear all about the big day in Chapel Hill.
It was a good day spending time with my son and talking. It was hard to leave him, but I'm glad he got in his first choice college and know that he'll have a lot more opportunities than he'd ever have here.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Feral Children - Kid Trespass Laws Need to be Changed
Why Should You Need a Chain Link Fence and Keep Out Signs?
Kids will be kids. I know that. I love kids. I have kids. They are my world. They make mistakes. Fine. I address those issues. Problem. Solution. Life goes on.
I won't even say that most kids are wild these days. I don't find that to be the case - at all. Most kids are decent little folks. They aren't perfect. Neither are adults. That's just life.
When little kids are out of control, I do know it's the parents to blame. When a three-year-old is on your front porch at midnight (which has happened at my house), then something is wrong at the home.
When these "ignored kids" get bigger, the problems get bigger. I'm talking about vandalism, stealing, and general bad behavior that impacts on everyone in the neighborhood.
Here are some specific examples of local kid trespass problems:
- Cut new glider to shreds with new pocketknives.
- Pull gutters off side of house.
- Turn hose on and stick in basement window.
- Bust cement up on back porch.
- Break glass up in yard.
And, the police can't do much of anything.
As the laws stand, you are up the creek. Kids get a free pass. The parents do too.
You can check that out.
You can tell kids to get off your property (and set yourself up as knowing that you have kid friendly areas in your yard) and post no trespassing signs (a waste of time).
No dice. The law says that if you have something on your land that might attract kids (like - what doesn't?), then you are liable. This is legally termed attractive nuisance.
You could not pay me to take a pool for free in this area. Pools are seen as attracting kids. Some parent does not watch his or her kid. The kid falls in your pool on your property, and you are toast. Legally you should be watching your pool versus the parents watching their kids.
Well, I'm still calling . . .
Yeah. You can call the police when kids trespass on your property. Good luck with that. The cops will tell you that they can't do much other than tell the parents to keep the kids off your land. The police can't help it. It's the laws that are wacked.
The police may go over and speak with the parents. Then, you're the bad guy.
Suggested Course of Action
The first course of action suggested if you have problems with kids on your property and not invited and even told to leave (and don't) is to contact the parents. Come on. If a toddler is in your garden day after day and walking in your front door when it's unlocked, then you know good and well the parents don't care. When the kids get bigger and the parents just want them out of their hair, then it moves on to vandalism when you say something.
Time to Change the Laws
The laws concerning children and traspassing flat needs to be changed. If you buy land and a house and if you pay taxes and even report problems early on, then you should not be held responsible when some kid climbs your tree and falls out and breaks his or her leg. The parents opted to have kids. The parents ought to keep up with them. If something happens, then it's on them - not on some person who has no clue and just happens to own a house and a little bit of land (or a lot) - or it should be.
Really, check out the laws on the books. You do not have a leg to stand on if you have a kid skip over your property line and get hurt. It's not the parents who don't bother to look outside and see where the kids are and what they're doing. It's the property owner who must jump through all manner of hoops to make sure that nothing might attract kids or hurt kids on land they own and should not have to share with the world.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Edwards Confesses - Had Sex - Didn't Father Child - We'll See . . .
John Edwards Affair - I'm So Shocked - NOT!
The National Enquirer got it right. John Edwards did sex up an employee that he met in a bar and paid thousands to make internet clips. Where are those Edwards net clips? Hum. Does it matter. Do you really think that's what he paid over a $100,000 for especially when this was a woman with no real experience in much of anything (other than maybe between the sheets)?
Now, John Boy is certainly not the first - nor will he be the last politician to do the dirty. He just didn't play it well. He should have called Bill Clinton (for advice) who managed to get by saying he didn't inhale and didn't partipate in the blow job. Frankly I don't have much respect for someone who doesn't inhale and just stands there. Doesn't sound like a good date to me. Kind of like drinking beer and not swallowing or taking a shower with no soap.
I suppose the big deal with John Edwards is that his wife has terminal cancer. As well, she has class. The public probably had a much harder time relating to and feeling bad for Hilary. I'd wager a good many figured Bill had a right to find some loving somewhere. John Edwards - naw. He had a sick wife by his side and then her standing tall even when it probably got as bad as it could get for a devoted wife.
Elizabath Edwards did know about the affair and had processed that. I'm not saying she was happy about it or that it didn't and doesn't break her heart. But, she stayed and smiled and supported her man. Frankly, I'm not sure that's the high road, but I haven't walked in her shoes. The "stand by your man" theme is dominant in our society. Elizabeth is also a woman with a cancer time bomb ticking. That puts her in a bad spot. It's not like she has time to cut out and start all over.
The other woman . . . She must really hate that tacky wild hair photo they are showing on the news. Rielle Hunter is attractive. You don't really think John Edwards is going to bed a woman for thousands of dollars who looks like a witch do ya? He met this chick in a bar. Go figure. Then he thought he'd hire her and bed her. Or, maybe it was the other way around. Still waiting for the sordid details.
This John Edwards scandal might have been swept under the carpet. He certainly spent enough to sweep the scandal somewhere. The big problem in terms of spin is that a baby turned up. Edwards says it isn't his. This is the same guy who said he didn't sleep with the woman. Want to place some bets on it? I don't even know where I'd put my money on that one.
Edwards says he wants to take a paternity test. Edwards is singing - "That Baby Don't Look Like Me." He also has a staff member who was willing to take the "rap" but also seems to have made a living off being an Edwards whore. I'd say they ought to take it to the Montel show. They love those baby daddy shows there on Montel.
Does it really matter if Edwards fathered a baby or not? If the deed is the seed, then he's guilty as sin. Then he capped it off with lies, lies, lies. He should have stuck with - "no comment"- like McCain in reference to this scandal. McCain probably doesn't want to get into trading in for a newer model. Edwards shouldn't have done the "dare ya" and tried to bluff. Gary Hart could have told him that wouldn't work.
Yeah. Edwards messed up. He covered up. He ran and hid in the bathroom (so very not cool). Then, he thought he'd come clean. Out. Out. Damn spot. Don't think it's going to work hon. Confession is much better for the soul when you didn't get caught red handed and let with few other choices.
Edwards ought to think about keeping his wallet in his pocket and his zipper zipped. That might be a better plan. And so simple. DUH! I could have told him that, and it wouldn't have even cost him thousands of dollars. My advice is free. My body is not for sale. Makes life much easier.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Neighbors from Hell are Back - No Fence High Enough
Putting Up the Princeton Panels Fence on One Side of the House
I'm sure we could all compare horror stories about neighbors. I prefer not to go into detail. Let's just say that I was granted a one year protection order, and the neighbor got suspended jail time and probation. So, I'm not just spouting off. This was serious.
The neighbor moved after she had her day in court. But, now she is back. And, of course, the protection order and probation are up.
If she does threaten me or the boys with bodily harm or with threats to property damage to our face (not second hand to others), the procedure is to go to the magistrate and file. Then you take off work to go to court again and again. The lawyers hope you can't afford to take off work and will give up if they keep getting extensions. You are not notified of this. You take the time and show up and then get told when to come again. That stinks.
In any case, I kept showing up. The judge found in my favor. Given the fact that I never said but one sentence to the woman ever and only when she asked a question rather than the usual curse fest and jumping up and down on the porch like one with mental problems, she really didn't have much to say. Her defense was that she was moving.
End of that . . . until now.
I see the neighbors from hell have moved back. This happened yesterday.
Fortunately, I had put up a fence on one of the property lines. I got a Princeton Panel fence. It's a 6 foot privacy fence. The lot is big (close an acre), so I only got one line covered at $3000. You can do the math. I really could not afford to do the entire yard. The other issue was that I have some trees on or close the line at the back. The trees would have to be cut down and stumps ground out - also expensive.
I must say that I'm very glad I do have the one side fenced now. This may perhaps prevent the neighbor's kids from cutting through my yard and cutting up my new glider as well as busting the cement on my porch and putting holes in the shed floor.
Maybe I will win the lottery. I suppose I'd have to buy a ticket though. I have been very happy with the privacy fence - but only wish I could get it on all four sides instead of just the one.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Keen - Newport H2 Shoes for Water Sports
Check Out My Keen Newport Water Shoes
I have balked at buying REAL water shoes. Mostly I've worn bobo tennis shoes from Wal-Mart and then some reef runners. Those are not brand name reef runners. They are also bobos.
Yes. Real water shoes are expensive. That's why I've stuck with my bobos.
I did not know what I was missing, or I would have sucked it up and bought some decent water shoes long ago.
My Keen water shoes got broken in at the beach. The sand does run through the shoes, but it washes out really easy. Same thing in creeks. I get some mud with the sides open, but I can pull the Keen water shoes off and rinse them, put them on and be ready to roll again.
When the water shoes get dirty, and they will if you really do water sports like white water rafting, you just toss them in the washing machine. They come out looking as good as new.
There are a lot of different types of water shoes, but I can say that Keen is excellent. Keen is also an earth friendly company, and I like that too.
Some water shoes are more closed in like tennis shoes. My son got some of those. He's rougher on his shoes than I am (and he's a guy). I like the open sandal kind of look but with a toe guard and a strap to keep them on. Another plus is that the Keen shoes have a band to pull to make a custom fit. My feet are very slim, so hack around shoes like Crocs just fall right off me. I also love the red color. I'm so vain. Colors do turn my head, but it's quality that keeps me. I'm sold on quality water shoes now. No more bobos. Nope. No comaparison. These feel and look much better.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Paddlefest 2008 - High Rock Lake - Denton NC
It's Fun to Get Together with Other Kayakers
The kayak group that my son joined, HRL Paddlers, is hosting Paddlefest next weekend - August 9 and 10, 2008 at High Rock Lake (near Salisbury, NC - not far from Charlotte either).
My son is really excited about this event and has been talking about it all week. He's been calling around to his Boy Scout buddies to see if others want to join in the fun.
If you've never been kayaking, you ought to give it a try. It really is fun to be on the water in a small craft. It's even more fun if you have a group to paddle with. HRL Paddlers is great. They help folks get started with kayaking. If you're in North Carolina or even over in South Carolina, check them out. If you're in another area, see if you can find a kayak group. You'll learn a lot and make new friends with common interests.
I'm not sure how common such kayak or water sport groups are. You can also check around and find companies that host kayak, canoe and white water trips. Those are fun as well. That's how we got started. If you sign up for an organized trip, then you don't have to invest in gear from the start. You get an idea of what water sports are like and whether this is something you want to do big times.
High Rock Lake,
HRL paddlers,
kayak group,
Paddlefest 2008
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