John Edwards Affair - I'm So Shocked - NOT!
The National Enquirer got it right. John Edwards did sex up an employee that he met in a bar and paid thousands to make internet clips. Where are those Edwards net clips? Hum. Does it matter. Do you really think that's what he paid over a $100,000 for especially when this was a woman with no real experience in much of anything (other than maybe between the sheets)?
Now, John Boy is certainly not the first - nor will he be the last politician to do the dirty. He just didn't play it well. He should have called Bill Clinton (for advice) who managed to get by saying he didn't inhale and didn't partipate in the blow job. Frankly I don't have much respect for someone who doesn't inhale and just stands there. Doesn't sound like a good date to me. Kind of like drinking beer and not swallowing or taking a shower with no soap.
I suppose the big deal with John Edwards is that his wife has terminal cancer. As well, she has class. The public probably had a much harder time relating to and feeling bad for Hilary. I'd wager a good many figured Bill had a right to find some loving somewhere. John Edwards - naw. He had a sick wife by his side and then her standing tall even when it probably got as bad as it could get for a devoted wife.
Elizabath Edwards did know about the affair and had processed that. I'm not saying she was happy about it or that it didn't and doesn't break her heart. But, she stayed and smiled and supported her man. Frankly, I'm not sure that's the high road, but I haven't walked in her shoes. The "stand by your man" theme is dominant in our society. Elizabeth is also a woman with a cancer time bomb ticking. That puts her in a bad spot. It's not like she has time to cut out and start all over.
The other woman . . . She must really hate that tacky wild hair photo they are showing on the news. Rielle Hunter is attractive. You don't really think John Edwards is going to bed a woman for thousands of dollars who looks like a witch do ya? He met this chick in a bar. Go figure. Then he thought he'd hire her and bed her. Or, maybe it was the other way around. Still waiting for the sordid details.
This John Edwards scandal might have been swept under the carpet. He certainly spent enough to sweep the scandal somewhere. The big problem in terms of spin is that a baby turned up. Edwards says it isn't his. This is the same guy who said he didn't sleep with the woman. Want to place some bets on it? I don't even know where I'd put my money on that one.
Edwards says he wants to take a paternity test. Edwards is singing - "That Baby Don't Look Like Me." He also has a staff member who was willing to take the "rap" but also seems to have made a living off being an Edwards whore. I'd say they ought to take it to the Montel show. They love those baby daddy shows there on Montel.
Does it really matter if Edwards fathered a baby or not? If the deed is the seed, then he's guilty as sin. Then he capped it off with lies, lies, lies. He should have stuck with - "no comment"- like McCain in reference to this scandal. McCain probably doesn't want to get into trading in for a newer model. Edwards shouldn't have done the "dare ya" and tried to bluff. Gary Hart could have told him that wouldn't work.
Yeah. Edwards messed up. He covered up. He ran and hid in the bathroom (so very not cool). Then, he thought he'd come clean. Out. Out. Damn spot. Don't think it's going to work hon. Confession is much better for the soul when you didn't get caught red handed and let with few other choices.
Edwards ought to think about keeping his wallet in his pocket and his zipper zipped. That might be a better plan. And so simple. DUH! I could have told him that, and it wouldn't have even cost him thousands of dollars. My advice is free. My body is not for sale. Makes life much easier.
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