I really don't know what to say about shoppers busting in the door at Wal-Mart and killing a man. I thought it might be one of those "urban legends," but I checked. The New York Times reported on the Wal-Mart Black Friday death.
I like a good deal as much as the next person, but I don't like to save a buck or two enough to shop on Black Friday. This year I slept in as I do typically on Black Friday. I don't think I've ever done a shopping spree the day after Thanksgiving, because I've heard the "stories."
Last year my brother got up at some gosh awful hour like 4 a.m. to get to town and wait in line to get a deal on a laptop computer. Of course, he did not end up with the great deal computer. And, he said that folks waiting out in the cold for voucher slips were ugly - even in the South where manners are considered pretty important.
"Ugly" is one thing. Busting in the doors and killing a man is quite another thing.
When I was reading up about the Wal-Mart death, I noted that this was a guy who was in his 30s and also that he only landed a temp holiday job. Good grief. A few bucks for the holidays cost him his life.
There are some notes online about Wal-Mart not doing what they should do to protect employees. Frankly, I can't imagine that Wal-Mart (or any store) should expect shoppers to bust in the doors and walk all over an employee.
Times are tough. I know that. But, there's no excuse for this type of shopping frenzy. Nothing that Wal-Mart sells could be worth the life of a man who was only trying to do his job.
My heart goes out to the family of the man who died standing behind the doors at Wal-Mart, and I hope that the shoppers who rushed the door will think about what is really important in this world.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Could you go to jail for leaving neutral feedback on Ebay?

People are nuts, but you probably knew that. Some guy has sued Steve Shelhorn, because he left neutral feedback on Ebay.
If you've never shopped Ebay, then they have a system where you can rate the shopping experience. Feedback can be positive, neutral or negative. Simple enough - in theory.
Until recently, both buyers and sellers could leave feedback. In other words, you could buy an item off Ebay and be rated. Hum. Let's see. Can you imagine that Wal-Mart or Belks or your favorite fast food restaurant hands you a score after you stop in and drop some bucks.
The Ebay brass decided to do away with the rating the buyer thing. Too much abuse. There were some real Ebay horror stories regarding this mutual feedback thing.
I used to buy at Ebay (and do - for the record - have 100% on my feedback), but I avoid Ebay pretty much now. I got tired of the emails begging for feedback, and that's how they came off - no matter how they were worded. Typically, I left positive feedback. If things weren't just perfect, I'd usually just let it go. After a while, I quit leaving feedback for those sellers who sent emails telling me that once I left feedback, they would bless me with a positive as a buyer. Paying up and almost instantly (with PayPal) wasn't good enough. If I wanted a vote of confidence (when I really didn't much care), I'd have to go first. I'm sure some sellers will justify that. You can click to the Ebay discussion boards and see all manner of explaining and complaining about buyers.
In the few cases where I did leave neutrals or negative feedback, I explained.
Fortunately, I was never sued.
It really blows my mind that some coin seller filed a court case against some guy who rated the transaction neutral on Ebay.
What is neutral? It's neutral. Not great. Not bad.
Poor Steve. He had to pay a lawyer $500 to defend him in this bogus law suit.
From what I understand, Ebay does dock rankings for neutrals, but buyers would not know that. If coin guy has an issue with how he stacks up when he gets a neutral, then he should take that up with Ebay and not take it out on Steve.
Steve isn't planning on leaving any more feedback on Ebay. Who could blame him? It's nice to give other buyers the heads up, and that is the idea with feedback. Unfortunately, that's been gamed so bad at Ebay, that you have to find someone close to 100% to feel safe. You think 85% runs a "B" level like at school. Oh no. Buy from someone with that kind of rank, and buyer beware.
The really sad thing is that most sellers and most buyers at Ebay are good people. Someone has something to sell. Someone wants that something. They work out the deal online. Happy all round. I know I've been pleased with a number of items I've picked up at Ebay.
I did get burned a couple of times, and Ebay really wasn't any help at all. That backed me off on the site. Now, I really will think twice about Ebay. I'd sure hate to pick up some little knickknack or iPod or tea and end up in court. If I do buy again, I'll remember that old saying, "If you can't something nice, don't say anything at all." But, that means that the bad sellers (or just average neutral sellers) get a "pass." I'd like to tell it how it is (in those rare cases where someone is scamming), but it's not worth getting sued like Steve.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
One Almost Grown - And One Brand New Baby

Happy Birthday

And Home with the Little One
When I talk about "the boys," that's two of mine and their two best buddies. The guys have been tight since back in kindergarten. That's one good thing about small towns. You can make and keep friends for life.
I was surprised when I found out my friend (the mother of the other two guys in the foursome) was expecting. Whew! We've got these almost raised, and she's starting over. I was thinking, "Perish the thought." That's on me having another one. I was quite excited about this one on the way.
Today was the second oldest of the Fabulous Four's birthday (Happy Birthday!), and the baby made her first public appearance. She was early and had been at the hospital. This week she came home at a little under six pounds.
What a cutie. I almost wished I had another one . . . but not quite. I think I'll just borrow my friend's little one. I'm not really used to girls, so maybe I could learn some new games, or maybe she'll like to play in the dirt and bring me snakes and frogs too.
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