Happy Birthday

And Home with the Little One
When I talk about "the boys," that's two of mine and their two best buddies. The guys have been tight since back in kindergarten. That's one good thing about small towns. You can make and keep friends for life.
I was surprised when I found out my friend (the mother of the other two guys in the foursome) was expecting. Whew! We've got these almost raised, and she's starting over. I was thinking, "Perish the thought." That's on me having another one. I was quite excited about this one on the way.
Today was the second oldest of the Fabulous Four's birthday (Happy Birthday!), and the baby made her first public appearance. She was early and had been at the hospital. This week she came home at a little under six pounds.
What a cutie. I almost wished I had another one . . . but not quite. I think I'll just borrow my friend's little one. I'm not really used to girls, so maybe I could learn some new games, or maybe she'll like to play in the dirt and bring me snakes and frogs too.
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