I like to stick my head in the sand (not that we have any sand in the Piedmont of North Carolina), so I've been closing my eyes and pressing "no" on the receipt for gas. Of course, I pay the credit card bill for gas and everything else, but I'd just as soon not examine the damage every few days.
It's hard to play clueless when there's just flat not any gas. The last time I gassed up, I skipped my usual station with the $20 limit (like how far does that go in a SUV). The next station had great gas prices, of course, because they simply did not have any gas. Boy, I'd list it low too if I didn't have any to sell. Well, no, I wouldn't. But, I guess that's a plan.
I'm out in the country, so I hit the last station on the way to the boonies and got some petro. If you're down with road trips, you can find gas (and no lines) out in the middle of nowhere. Of course, you burn a lot of gas getting to such remote locations (and back).
Today the BP in Salisbury, NC had some gas. The limit was $40 instead of $20 like last week. I chatted with the cashier, and she said they had to bump it up, because people were driving on by with the $20 limit - so no inside sales either. They have some great prices on Pepsi, milk, and eggs, so I usually gas up and load up on the way home.
My BP cashier did say that they hoped to have gas through noon tomorrow, but she said that they'd had a lot of folks in and that they might run out before dark. Good thing I went early I guess.
I hate to even turn on the TV and hear about the hour long waits to get gas and about people having to push vehicles up to the pump that run out of gas just waiting in line. It's not that bad here, but we have those purchase limits and stations running out of fuel.
I won't even get started on the price of groceries. Whew. Are they putting gold in those boxes of cereal now instead of plastic toys? You'd think so. Oh well, if there's no gas to get to the grocery store, then I guess the cereal can just sit on the shelf.
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