I really don't get the extra credit at schools these days. You can buy Kleenex or dry erase markers and send in, and your kid gets extra grade points. You can also go to Open House. Same deal. Your kid gets extra credit on his or her grade.
Is it just me, or does this not make any sense at all?
Maybe the kid can do some extra work and learn something and get some points, but how does Kleenex or going to Open House mean your kid gets more grade points? Hey, I can afford some Kleenex and do send some. I can haul myself down to Open House which usually is just kind of a wasted evening at a big school. That's all fine. But, I don't see how that has anything to do with grades. What about the family that doesn't have any extra money for dry erase markers or no car or gas money to go to Open House? Or the ones who work odd shifts and are at work during such events? Too bad it seems. No extra points for those kids.
I don't even know if this Kleenex, going to Open House, or signing mid term reports make enough difference to boost a grade. If not, then it's just kind of a silly game. If it does change grades, then I really do wonder what that teaches our kids.
Maybe they can send home a donation sheet home with levels of giving that raise grades by letter. Give $100 - your child's grade goes up a letter and so on. Do I think that's fair? No. Of course not. Do I think these other little incentive programs are a good idea. Nope. Grades are earned. Donations are gifts. Going to PTA is probably a good idea until it gets to the point where you're sitting in front of a TV and listening to stuff that could be sent home on paper and make more sense.
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